Most used materials to-day are Paperclay®, Sculpey® and Super Sculpey®
Bodies are soft sculptured or fully modeled on unobtrusive stands.
- 2008 2012 OOK dolls for exhibition, several hand-felted clothes. (5" to life size)
- 2010 First model to be poured in bronze (31")
- 2009 Life-size figure kneeling, for museum to carry a costume (life-size)
- 2004 Two half dolls on one stand OOK (turning) «Virtue and Vice» (23")
- 2006 Stylized figure covered with one sheet of paper forming wings at back OOK (24")
- 2003 Bell in form of male half-body of fired clay, clapper in form of a woman’s body OOK (male body 20")
- 2000 2 stylized figures «1+1=3» OOK Modeled over stuffed bodies. Coat of brass (17")
- 1999 Miniature Barbie-doll 1/6th size, 4,5 cm (less than 2“) as accessory for white doll
- 1996 First white figures «Waiting“ (9" sitting), modeled and dressed
- 1995 Figure on roller skates, with watches on 5 to 12. OOK (16")
- 1994 First doll with surface covered with washy-paper and wings of paper with wire. OOK (21")
- 1992 First pixies and small elves of Super Sculpey only 13 cm high (5“)
- 1991 First white figures, OOK modeled and dressed in white, blue eyes (11" to13")
- 1991 First gnomes and gremlins OOK
- 1990 First doll on special stand not turning (out of law of gravity) porcelain (27")
- 1989 First miniature-doll OOK (3")
- 1989 First use of Super Sculpey OOK doll (shell 18")
- 1988 First special stand not showing but the base, porcelain (25")
- 1988 First figure OOK of air drying clay not pretty (theme: «The naked doll») (10")
- 1988 First porcelain dancer, standing on one leg (doll stand), porcelain (24")
- 1987 First doll with visible parts directly modeled of porcelain clay OOK (15" sitting)
- 1986 «Summer» first doll sitting comfortably on a stone, Porcelain (15" sitting)
- 1984 1994 Bisque porcelain for visible parts, stuffed bodies or soft sculpture over wire armature, mainly musicians, dancers, themes, children and babies, mainly varied series (various dolls with the same molds).
- 1984 Harlekingruppe «Group of harlequins» (25") und
- 1986 «Violinplayer in costume of Rococo
- 1991 «Little Lord», (16 1⁄2")
- 1987 «Girl on slide», (16")
- 1989 «Two babies» (17")
- 1977 1983 One of a kind, BJD (with up to 16 joints)
All not mentioned pictures by artist